Products & Services

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Hard Waste Recycling Line

Recycling of Hard Waste.

Recycling of Fabric Pieces –Knitted, Woven ,Non woven.

Recycling of Used Garment

Recycling of Non woven Felt Fabrics

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Cotton Waste Recycling Line

Raw material is expensive. Effort should be to maximise its use.

Yarn is traded as commodity, Increasing Price Competition.

Control on Raw Material cost is very important. Key to success for any industry.

In Textiles, nothing is waste. It can be used for some Purpose.

Try to recover as much fiber as possible from the waste generated during Spinning process and use it for some lower application.

Types of Textile Waste

Blow room Dropping

Card Licker-in Dropping

Card Flat Strip

Comber Noil

Pnuemafil Waste

Hard Waste

Fabric Waste

Used Garments

Assembly Winder * Auto Coner * Auto Cot Grinder * Automatic Arbour Flushing Machine * Automatic Arbour Greasing Machine * Automatic Cot Grinding Machine * Automatic Flat Grinding Machine * Automatic U. V. Treatment Machine * Auxiliary Machines * Bale Press * Blow Room Machinery * Butt Welder * Card Maintenance Machines * Clearer Roller Cleaning Machine * Cost Servicing Machines * Cot Checking Device * Cot Grinding Machine * Cot Mounting Pneumatic Machine * Cotton Waste Recycling Line * Flat Clipping Machine * Flat Clipping Machine Pneumatic * Flat End Milling Machine * Fully Motorized Cot Checking Device * Hand Operated Greasing System For Arbour * Hard Waste Recycling Line * Horizontal Hydraulic Cot Mounting Machine * Hot Clean Hp20 Ultimate Flyer Cleaning Machine * Hydraulic Cot Mounting Machine * Hydraulic Fluted Roller Truing Machine * Knitting Machine * Manual Cot Mounting Machine * Manual Fluted Roller Truing Machine * New Generation Card * On Card Flat Grinding Roller * Other Products * Perfect Magitex O. H. T. C * Reciprocating Stone Grinder * Ring Frame * Roller Mounting Machine * Roving Stripping And Opening Machine * Roving Waste Opener * Shore Hardness Tester * Spindle Lubricating Machine * Spinning Machinery * Surgical Cotton Card * Texile Machineries * Textile Machinery * Textile Waste Recycling * Twin Grinder * Two For One Twister * Ultraviolet Treatment Machine * Wire Removal Machine